Targeted Solutions
From physician-owned specialty clinics to large pharmaceutical companies, we have experience bringing the best out of employees and healthcare providers across a wide-range of organizations. Our expertise can help you confidentially assess your organization’s strengths and growth areas, improve hiring decisions, maximize workplace belonging, minimize burnout, bolster retention, and drive productivity. See the links below for more information about our specific offerings, or click the button to see our rates and schedule an initial consultation.
Employee/Candidate selection
While traditional interviews generate a lot of information about a potential candidate, much of this interview data may actually worsen your decision making as compared to simple document review and decision aids. We provide an empirically-grounded, streamlined interview training that is based on the available literature and the specific needs of your organization to get you the right hire, right away.
Beyond burnout
Burnout has become a buzzword in the medical world and elsewhere, yet it is not a necessary truism of the modern work environment. Indeed, there is wide variation in burnout rates between organizations even within the same field, demonstrating the power employers have to shape employee experiences. We can help move your team members from metaphorical carpenters to architects of their local work environment to experience personal empowerment, which is the opposite of burnout.
Physician mentoring
We have experience both educating and researching emerging physicians and recognizing the unique demands and culture of medicine. Physician mentoring programs provide an important antidote to problems of physician retention, workplace well-being, and employee engagement. Still, these programs require intentional coordination. We can help.
Management consulting
Management is about people, and while we enter into our field due to our technical expertise, not all of us have received training to become developmental experts. We offer services to foster tangible management skills to bring the best out of your employees or providers.
Diversity & inclusion
In consultation with excellent colleagues, we have designed award-winning curriculum in culturally-responsive care for emerging physicians. We are excited to translate this expertise to the unique needs and environment of your workplace or healthcare organization.